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Tag Archives: parenting
Pixel Project 2016 Father’s Day Campaign
I was asked, for the third year now, to participate in this year’s Pixel Project Father’s Day Campaign. It’s an important campaign but I hadn’t been able to verbalize my thoughts the last couple of years. I’m happy to announce … Continue reading
Posted in Family
Tagged father, fatherhood, parenting
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Lots of Experience doesn’t make Asthma easy
As I listened to Kyle cough away last night – counting the time between coughs – I had to reflect on the fact that even with all the experience we have with dealing with Asthma emergencies with children, it’s never … Continue reading
Time to grow…
Today, we head out to register Kyle for Kindergarten. I have to let that sentence “stand” on its own because it’s got such an impact I need to be able to look upon it without anything else around it. My … Continue reading
Parenting Pause
My older kids have made “plans” this weekend. So, tonight, instead of driving close to an hour to go pick them up so they can spend the weekend, I have to tell Kyle that his older brother and sister won’t … Continue reading
out of touch
You know what I realized today – about an hour ago? That this sunday IS Father’s Day. I know I’ve been out of touch for the last couple of weeks while insanity swirled around me, but this was just a … Continue reading
My Sweet and Sensitive Little Boy…
Some things just beg to be remembered. And even after the tantrums and the sugar-rush screeching runs across the house (Kyle chasing Casey, Charlize chasing Kyle, everyone running and screaming… video to follow, actually! 🙂 ), it’s the soft, quiet … Continue reading
It was bound to happen…
Yesterday was definitely one of “those” days. I woke up with a pounding headache that did not subside – the drums getting louder and louder with every minute. Still, I struggled through it, got my stuff ready, and bundled the … Continue reading
No Charity
Well, turns out the minor contract I had accepted did not pan out. My client decided that it was too costly. Figures. This was the fourth contract I had with him and during each previous one I had given him … Continue reading
One of those days…
Okay. This day can end, really. Started it with a report that confirmed certain observations I have had about disengagement which will cause extra work in the coming months. Then, made a phone call that confirmed a certain something I … Continue reading
just running on fumes… I wanted to update on the weekend, but really, outside of spending Saturday continuing renovations and putting up the tree, followed by a Sunday seeing Santa with Kyle and James (along with seeing a LOT of … Continue reading