out of touch

You know what I realized today – about an hour ago? That this sunday IS Father’s Day.

I know I’ve been out of touch for the last couple of weeks while insanity swirled around me, but this was just a bit much. This would have been the first Father’s Day weekend when I would have had James and Melyssa with me without any “complications”. However, due to other appointments and Charlize’s birthday, and the fact that Melyssa still has school on the 22nd and 23rd (which meant I couldn’t keep the kids from the 19th through the 25th), we agreed to postpone pickup until the 23rd.

Had I realized…


Oh well. It’ll be different next year as my “little” girl will be in Junior High and thus have a similar school schedule to James.

I need more sleep and less “stress”

Edited to change the “was father’s day” to “IS father’s day”. More PROOF POSITIVE that I am really out of touch! (you’re out of touch… i’m out of time… but I’m out of my HEAD when you’re not around… oh-oh-oh… oh-oh-oh!”

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