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Tag Archives: kyle
As I was getting ready to leave this morning (heading outside to warm up the car at 6am), I heard Kyle crying. I left my boots and ran upstairs where I found him standing by my side of the bed, … Continue reading
Things I’ll Miss.
Sometimes, when you’re living through things, you’re just trying to get by. It’s only after the fact when you realize, “hey, that’s definitely one for the books!”. That’s what this post is to remind me of. 2 very important memories … Continue reading
Conversations with Kyle
And here’s to Kyle’s sharp and logical mind! During supper yesterday: “Daddy, it’s not true that Reindeers can fly.” “Of course they can. They have magical antlers that let them fly.” “No, they can’t fly!” “Why do you say that?” … Continue reading
Family Update 1 – Kyle
I sure can’t say that these last few weeks haven’t flown by because that would be lying. It’s kept me away from here which is unfortunate because when the time comes to summarize it (for posterity) pieces of info get … Continue reading
Funny Kyle :)
This week has been “back to work” for Chantale and I, and “back to home daycare” for Kyle and Charlize. What’s been funny/ cute is that Kyle has insisted on dressing himself every morning to date. His style of choice? … Continue reading
Happy 4th Birthday!
Kyle turned 4 today! “I’m a big boy now! Look at how long my legs are!” is how he puts it 🙂 Woke up to lots of hugs and kisses and then he sat on our bed and opened one … Continue reading
Parenting Pause
My older kids have made “plans” this weekend. So, tonight, instead of driving close to an hour to go pick them up so they can spend the weekend, I have to tell Kyle that his older brother and sister won’t … Continue reading
When was the last time?
I don’t remember. I don’t remember the last time I posted. Yes, of course it’s easy to check, but still… I’ve been in a weird state for the last probably-two-weeks-although-feels-like-6. I have been living so much in my brain space … Continue reading
Sad Little Tyke – Another Hospital Trip
It happened again. Wed overnight Kyle had been coughing quite a bit. Charlize was, too, so I thought it was everyone fighting off the same cold again. In the morning, he wasn’t wheezing but to play it safe I gave … Continue reading
My Sweet and Sensitive Little Boy…
Some things just beg to be remembered. And even after the tantrums and the sugar-rush screeching runs across the house (Kyle chasing Casey, Charlize chasing Kyle, everyone running and screaming… video to follow, actually! 🙂 ), it’s the soft, quiet … Continue reading