Tag Archives: death

Farewell to The Olde One…

The Savage Knight rose slowly from the ground as the energy surrounding him slowly dissipated. He straightened and removed his helmet, looking intently at the door in front of him. Recognition brought a tired smile to his face and he … Continue reading

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More amusing kid stories

Hey, these kinds of things don’t last very long and they are worth keeping for posterity’s sake! So bear with me 🙂 Story 1: I’ve mentioned before how much the kids love the “Mamma Mia!” movie. Well, this weekend, once … Continue reading

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So I must admit…

I’ve got something of a hole in my gut today. I was shocked yesterday to hear of Emru Townsend’s passing seeing how the last bit of news I had heard was that he had found a donor and undergone the … Continue reading

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Exhaustion or Extreme Fatigue?

Mentally/ Emotionally, I’m quite good. Physically/ Emotionally… let’s just say that we went to sleep at 9:30pm last night and this morning I woke up nauseous and with a headache. The train in wasn’t bad, and the -21 cold air … Continue reading

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