Tag Archives: the mysterious minute-men

Shiver me Kindle

Greeetings! The Amazon Kindle Store has finally been blessed with digital versions of The Mysterious Minute-Men 🙂 Both books are now available for Kindle and can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Mike+Aragona&x=24&y=15 Other formats will follow – I simply wanted to go … Continue reading

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Minute-Men Collections

I realized I didn’t do a final update on this information although I started taking a serious look at possibly using a POD service to get me some nice copies. Unfortunately, whichever way you slice the costs, it really does … Continue reading

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The Mysterious Minute-Men

One of the items on my todo list for this weekend was to finally finish-up the Minute-Men Year 3 compilation edits. I’m happy to say this is done which leaves me with the Spotlight specials to review. And so, to … Continue reading

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