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Monthly Archives: January 2012
The Day The Lights Went Out…
Not much more I can add to today’s blackout from so many online sources as a protest towards SOPA and PIPA but feel free to read Wikipedia’s thank you message: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:CongressLookup?new=yes For my part, I knew of today and understood the … Continue reading
Comic Dreams
This weekend, as I was folding the laundry, I was struck by the number of Superhero t-shirts my little boy has. I smiled at the fact that (a) he loves superheroes as much as I did when I was growing … Continue reading
A New Year
Indeed, it’s a new year, and I still haven’t manage to figure out a way to make time to put my thoughts down I wanted to speak of the holidays, and how wonderful it was to be home this year … Continue reading