Tag Archives: baby

Post-Op Day 2

Yesterday afternoon, it looked like Charlize would have been taken off her respirator since all signs indicated that she would be able to breathe on her own. They had taken her off of 2 other drugs and she responded well. … Continue reading

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CHD Post-Op Report

The surgery is done! Charlize is in the Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit and will be there at least 10 days or so. For some details, feel free to go read my wife’s () blog. Here’s my summary report: Wednesday night … Continue reading

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We’re home! Updates will follow but in the meantime we wanted to simply post and let everyone know. Surgery will be next week and we will be called this weekend telling us what day to come in for pre-op tests, … Continue reading

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Monday Update

Hello again. Quick updates tonight. We’re still in the Pediatric Ward of the MCH and aren’t really sure when or if they’ll release us. They’ve upped the dosage of Charlize’s medication to 4mg and feel confident that things are stable. … Continue reading

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Sunday Update

I got 6 hours of sleep last night. Crashed out on the couch in the parents area at midnight, woke up at 6am, struggled to stand at 6:20am, and headed to check on Charlize. This was the first night both … Continue reading

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Friday Quick Update

Hello. I’m the one home tonight for a few hours of sleep and then back to the ICU tomorrow very early morning. Not much to say. It all feels like a haze although I definitely remember each hour of sitting, … Continue reading

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Reality Check

Sometimes, you try not to talk about things because you’re trying not to believe that issues are a little worse than you expected. I’m not talking about complete self-delusion here. I’m just talking about… the “hope” that things are not … Continue reading

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A Little Sore…

Finished painting the baby room last night. Yay! Cleared off all the tools and then brought back the changing table and assembled the crib. Very nice! I brought out the pieces of the commode and tonight we’ll be putting that … Continue reading

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Busy Weekend

This weekend was a lot busier than I thought it would be! But then again, the week ended a lot busier than I expected it to so it’s more like a cascading effect! 🙂 My LDP Session (Thursday/ Friday out … Continue reading

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Catching Up…

My beautiful wife has already posted about this, but there are obviously folks here who don’t read her 🙂 Thus, to even it all out, here is the news regarding the baby to come… 🙂 The main link to the … Continue reading

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