It’s that time…

Tomorrow morning, after dropping Kyle off at Daycare, Chantale and I are taking Charlize to the Montreal Children’s Hospital for her follow-up visit. We’ll go through (I’m pretty sure) of the regular tests (echo, maybe xray) and learn how her little heart has been developing in the last year.

As much as I’ve always tried to put myself in the mindset that it’s just “another yearly checkup” similar to dentists, optometrist, physical, etc, there’s always that little… nugget of fear that takes hold of your center.

I guess it’s still something to get used to. After all, I don’t go visit the Eye Doc, Dentist, or Family Doc worried they’ll find anything. I do it as a regular preventative measure knowing they’ll confirm my clean bill of health. I’m thinking it’ll take a few more years before I feel the same way about Charlize’s cardiology appointments…

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