

Every now and again, I find myself still pleasantly surprised at how much fun (and how EASY it is to lose track of time!) it is to immerse myself in the world of The Mysterious Minute-Men.

I just spent the last couple of hours editing and reviewing a few chapters from the forthcoming novel “Ready for the Future” as well as writing up some Author’s Notes and bibliography material.

I kept sinking deeper and deeper into that world, losing all sense of where I was as I relieved battles, stories, places, characters and especially conversations with other creators on the “building” of such…

What a very pleasant way to knock off a couple of hours 🙂

I’m still way behind in the work I have to do – to the point that I’m going to have to postpone the release date – but at least it will still be released in 2009 – marking the 20th Anniversary of their creation 🙂

I haven’t received enough feedback from those who picked up the Omnibus, however. Although I did enjoy a swelling up of pride last week when I secretely watched Melyssa reading it. Watching and hearing her burst out in a fit of giggles at various places and then showing the passages to James just made me smile. Smile and smile and smile 🙂

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