Starting over…

So this morning, in an effort to try to make commenting on this site (at least on the portal site) easier I tried to install a few authentication plug-ins. I tested the google, yahoo, and WordPress ones but couldn’t get the other protocols (like Facebook, twitter, and OpenId to work). As I went about trying out a few others, I suddenly hit a memory error I could not recover from. Repairing the site wasn’t working so I fell back to the immortal words of a friend of mine (Tommy, you know who you are) and took the Scrap-and-ReWrite route.

Luckily it was easy enough to do with me just losing some tag management. No biggie. Doubly-lucky that it didn’t take that long although I will spend some time tweaking again – later.

In the meantime, I activated the remote protocols which allows me to use an iPad app to post here :). This comes at a good time when -like now- I’m flying home and hanging about the lounge waiting to board. I know there’s a storm back home but it’s clear in Vancouver. Boarding should begin soon so I guess it’s time I make my way over 🙂

But I couldn’t leave without mentioning that the Maple Leaf Lounge here in YVR is as great as I expected it to be 🙂


-updated manually as the Remote protocol did not cross post this entry to LiveJournal

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1 Response to Starting over…

  1. savageknight says:

    Testing the LiveJournal loginID plug-in 🙂

    this one didn’t crash the system already! 🙂

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