
As I was riding into work this morning, my brain started wandering through LJ’s past and I found myself wondering how everyone’s been. With so many other social networks and Real Life needs pulling people away (including myself) it’s easy to find oneself not posting/ reading for very long stretches of time.

Another funny thought: in the past, I would often find myself piping in here every now again just to get sh!t off my chest and vent. Nowadays, I’m more often than not posting to say how Beautiful life is. And yes, I’m aware that there are folks who don’t like reading happy stuff 😉 I can’t help it, though. Yes, there are some rough financial moments which bring undue stress to the household… but overall, I’m just so grateful with everything that living is an absolute pleasure.

Last weekend – being a long weekend – was simply amazing. Continued work in the basement (started putting up the ceiling), worked in the yard/ garden, but also had time to just sit back and bask in the heat of the days, lounge in the backyard or on the deck with a tasty coffee in hand. I have never gone through a weekend where I felt as peaceful and at ease as though I were on vacation – until this past weekend.

Lots of stuff going on, as always. I’m still trying to confirm a new daycare for the kids with the deadline fast approaching. We have a welcome BBQ at Kyle’s new school tonight and then Orientation next week. September will be here before we know it!

Charlize is such a little pixie it’s so obvious her totem/ mascot/ avatar/ what-have-you is TinkerBell. Mischevious, bubbly, and so full of life. And this little miracle of ours will be 3 years old next month! Heart defect? What heart defect? That period of our lives feels more like an old movie we sat through than something “real”.

Sadly, James still has no inclination of coming over. Melyssa has gone through quite a transformation and when she’s over… it feels like she’s so much a part of the household now. In the past, there’s always been a kind of “disconnect” in that she was with us… but not. Not any more. It’s such a nice feeling. In fact, the last couple of visits, after we’ve put the wee ones to bed, we’ve taken to watching movies together and I’ve been showing her some great “old” movies that still pretty much stand the test of time (Outsiders, Dirty Dancing, were the last 2).

Chantale… I can’t imagine my life without her. I could never believe it’s possible to love someone as much or as completely as I do her. The years roll by in bliss and each day continues to bring joy and happiness. This weekend, she even bought herself a new car! A sleek, black, Elantra GLS with the works! It’s nice to know that at the end of 5 years, it will be ours. I’m very much looking forward to having it in our driveway – we just have to work out the details of bringing back the leased Dodge Caliber. She works hard (and it’s great to see her finally being truly appreciated by her skills and what she brings to that company) and she deserves it 🙂

Well, that’s all the time I have this morning. Have to get ready for meetings, meetings, meetings! Maybe next post I can talk a little about what else I’m working on 🙂

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