Monthly Archives: April 2010

Protected: Quick/ Private Update

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Open Your Eyes!

As I was walking to a meeting this morning, I passed a guy on the road that immediately got my head shaking. A “typical” businessman (you know the type: suit, suitcase, stress pouring off of him in buckets) frantically trying … Continue reading

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I want to post…

However, unfortunately, I don’t have the energy to do it. And this has been going on for a little while now. I can at least hint at the fact that all the lawyer stuff is finally taken care of now. … Continue reading

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This is a “capture-cute-moment” post 🙂 I mentioned earlier how, recently, Charlize has started to expand her vocabulary. However, she added a new twist in this last week by actually expanded some words in order to pluralize them! What exactly … Continue reading

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