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Monthly Archives: February 2010
The Pain you feel is Real…
Hey Mike, how does that migraine feel? Would you really like to know? Imagine a flaming, pulsing, sword, jabbed between your eyes, on your brow or forehead, and exiting from the base of your skull. Now, if you can picture … Continue reading
Charlize’s Story
Recently, folks who weren’t around during the time our family had to deal with Charlize’s health issues have been asking about more details. What happened, what did you do, etc, etc. Since everything we went through was detailed in both … Continue reading
No Surgery
We took Charlize to an Opthamologist this week to see if we could finally get some answers in regards to her wandering right eye. After 2+ years, it was a relief to finally hear a professional tell us that we … Continue reading
I can’t keep putting off the posting of messages, darnit! I said I would try to do it more often and I better do it! (kicking myself in the butt to keep going) At the very least, I wanted to … Continue reading
Time to grow…
Today, we head out to register Kyle for Kindergarten. I have to let that sentence “stand” on its own because it’s got such an impact I need to be able to look upon it without anything else around it. My … Continue reading