Monthly Archives: January 2010

Feeling Edgy

As you can imagine, there was a lot of headspace activity going on during the posting of yesterday’s message. It didn’t just end once I clicked the “post” button. It was still very much on my mind this morning. I … Continue reading

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Stuck in a Quandry

I used to tell my buddy Marc – on a regular basis – that the day I could no longer update my blog regularly (back then it was daily, later every other day) that it would mean there’s a problem. … Continue reading

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“We, the willing, led by the unknowing, have accomplished the impossible for the ungrateful. “We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

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but true. i’ve been offline for over 3 weeks. i had more messages to go through than the system is capable of showing. yowtch. and i have a ton of stuff to write about, just no bloody time to actually … Continue reading

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Food Food Food!

Holidays aren’t as much a time for gifts as they are for FOOD! 🙂 Seems that I’ve done quite a bit of eating these last two weeks 🙂 Can’t believe how stuffed I was – especially this past weekend! 🙂 … Continue reading

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