Holding pattern…

I’ve been on hold with the Gov for half an hour already… Trying to file my Paternity Leave papers so I can get paid for the next three weeks and this muzak is slowly melting my brains…

if they would at least have SOME notice of what the wait time is supposed to be…

By the way, THANK YOU to everyone who’s contacted or replied to me and/ or Chantale over the last couple of days. A lot really helped.

I think right now we could use a lot more sleep to keep us a little less edgy. Last night was quite good in that we literally hit the sack somewhere around 9pm. The first time Charlize woke up to feed went very well with her falling right back to sleep after 45 minutes. The second time (at 4am) took a little longer. But, I managed to get her back to sleep at 5am. Overall, Chantale and I slept more last night than the previous two nights combined.

She’s dozing on the couch right now, taking advantage of Charlize’s morning nap as well. I gave Kyle a nice long bath and we’re now sitting in the bedroom with CBC on the tv and ding-dong-ding muzak on the speakerphone… 34 minutes and counting…

Update: Took 55 minutes. Why? Not many English reps on the weekend. Duh. Next time, I’ll just select the French option. Sigh. And guess what? I can’t file today. I have to file tomorrow. ha haha. ha.

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