Quick Update!

All my updates have to be quick these days… just too much going on and too much still to do! 🙂 Take this weekend for example. We knew we had a hospital tour to go to on Saturday, but I didn’t expect that would ultimately be the only thing we did on Saturday! At least we managed a quick morning shopping spree to tackle some last-minute items before dropping Kyle off at his grandparents. Lasalle Hospital, however, I must state, is quite a facility! We were so impressed with it that it felt like a big weight coming off our shoulders. After all, our experiences at the Jewish General when Kyle was born were slightly dramatic. Thus, seeing the care and attention that we will receive at Lasalle, plus the general ambiance of the place, fully reassured us that we will be receiving great care. It was almost like, “okay, NOW we can have this baby in peace!” 🙂

Obviously, by the time Saturday ended, there had been no time for renovation work (I did, however, manage to paint one side of all the doors for the baby’s room on Friday night).

Sunday also went by the wayside after a morning of garden work followed by an afternoon of installing a gazebo on our lawn. I just verified my last posted to-do list and noticed it wasn’t even mentioned there. Which again goes to show how to-dos multiply at the same rate that socks are lost in dryers…

Again, before we knew it, Sunday was over. Try as we might, neither one of us was able to sleep very well, comfortably, or for any length of time. I should have just given up at 4am and put Moulin Rouge back in the DVD to finish from where we left off last night… (Not having seen it in a while, it still amazes me that I sit there and just watch with a smile on my face… what an incredibly inventive and entertaining movie!)

And now, back to Monday Reporting! Eeep.

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