Oh maan…

What a way to start a Monday…

Power failure last night. Okay, no problem. I knew of it because the UPS on my pc started beeping. So, I got up and turned the UPS off, took my pager to check the time: 3:30am. No problem. Power comes back on and I have to get up and switch off the DVD that’s having a bit of trouble loading the disk that’s in it. Check the pager: 4:45am. Okay, still time.

Kyle wakes up and starts chatting away in bed. I check the pager: 6:15am. Wow. He went back to his earlier wake-up time. Okay, no problem. I’ll get up and take care of him to get him ready for daycare. Chantale gets up, too.

We go about our morning routine, having a bite of breakfast, and I head to the car to clear the snow(!). It’s a really peaceful morning and I’m happy that the schedule is great. It’s 7am. I start the car and my eyes wander to the clock… 8:00am. My last train leaves at 8:20am!!! I rush back in the house and tell Chantale what happened and I apologize like crazy and run away to the train station.

How nuts is it that the ONE “clock” that was not adjusted for DST was my pager? Bah.

Walking to work in that strong wind and biting rain was no picnic either. No wonder that it’s almost 10:30am and I already have the stirrings of a migraine (ya know, that pain behind the socket of my left eye…)

*sigh*. Definitely time for coffee…

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