Monthly Archives: November 2006

Meme Time

Yoinked from because… baaaah. 🙂 Go to and select the year you turned 18 (greatest hits). Snip the top songs from the list and paste it in your journal. Bold the ones you liked; strike out the ones you … Continue reading

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A Simply “By the way”

Just wanted to note that last night, I finished my NaNoWriMo novel. I had never fully jumped into doing it this year, but I did spend several hours on the train writing it out. I wrote out about 22,000 words … Continue reading

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Just Saying…

Ever feel like you’re sitting alone somewhere (even surrounded by a crowd) and are just cackling and rubbing your hands together? Yeah, today it feels like that, too. Nothing to say, I just wanted to show off my new icon … Continue reading

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Letter Meme

Why not? It looked like fun 🙂 The LETTER of the day is….S! Comment and I’ll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Afterwards, post this in your journal … Continue reading

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S(l)ing it

“Will you still see me any more? When the fog lifts and fade? Or will you close the door, And forget what we have made? And the sunshine fades away, Every second of the day We watch it disappear Hiding … Continue reading

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“Life” morale was so low yesterday, that I was seriously thinking of going completely offline (as opposed to keeping the low profile I’m doing now). Really. I had reached a point that I was just completely fed up with the … Continue reading

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The Search is Over. This is now ours. The first car Chantale and I have to our joint names. 2007 Mazda5 GT in Brilliant Black. We pick it up early next week. Yeah! 🙂 Cross-Posted to BOTH our Journals! 🙂

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slept like crap. woke up angry. now feeling nauseous. this is NOT how a friday should be. bleah.

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Nonsensical Blather

Throw caution to the wind and let chaos rule supreme! And let the lifeline of your port of call be the sign of beans! Magic beans? Aye! Magic indeed: COFFEE BEANS! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- we’re gonna have a tv party tonight… ALL … Continue reading

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S(l)ight Adjustment

Woo. Tired again. Energy, wherefore art thou, energy? So I headed to the eye doc’s on Saturday morning. What with all the migraines, it was a possibility that I wanted to rule out. My last visit to them was in … Continue reading

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