The talented and very Beatles-Knowledgeable Alan J. Porter has started a Beatles Blog. As he put it “Development is continuing on the new Beatles Blog. The graphics and page design are still being worked on, but we’ve posted around 75 pieces of content to get things going. We are now looking for feedback, thoughts and general observations from Beatles fans before we do the full roll out. So please click on over to, and let us know what you like, what you don’t and what sort of things you would like to see in a Beatles blog.”
The blog is great, and for those of you who want to read the content from here, I’ve set up a syndicated account for it. You can find it on LiveJournal via
The graphic used on the blog is from Gabriel Morrissette and is also on Alan’s book Before They Were Beatles. Head on over to and read an excerpt, get merchandise, or order yourself a signed copy! Tell him Mike sent ya 🙂