Tag Archives: books

Potter Musings

Kyle is a short month shy of turning 7 years old. ย And guess what he’s been asking for ever since School finished last week? He wants us to read him Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as fast as possible … Continue reading

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Smiling Saturday

I’m in a good mood right now ๐Ÿ™‚ Having fallen asleep early last night, I woke up at 8am PST with the sun shining into my hotel room. After a quick breakfast, I headed out onto Bay Street for some … Continue reading

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Early BDay Gift

Just came back from another wonderful lunch with a dear friend of mine. We went to our usual spot at “Trattoria Zia’s” near Phillips Square and had another amazing meal ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s great to just be able to sit back … Continue reading

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Good Day

You know… when you start your morning off with an email requesting your participation in a new writing project, that’s a great way to kick off a day. But then, when you head over to the second day of a … Continue reading

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Beatles Live

The talented and very Beatles-Knowledgeable Alan J. Porter has started a Beatles Blog. As he put it “Development is continuing on the new Beatles Blog. The graphics and page design are still being worked on, but we’ve posted around 75 … Continue reading

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