Morning Craziness… with a Smile

You would think that three weeks into the new routine, we’d all have the hang of it. Normally, you’d be correct except for one thing: Kyle’s been fighting something of a little cold for the last couple of days. Thus, instead of rushing him up/ awake, I’ve been letting him sleep in to ensure he’s rested and that his bouts of fever were over. So this week has been a little more crazy than usual. Case in point today:

Chantale was up at 5:30am and I got up at 6:00am. She left shortly thereafter and I finished getting ready… except, Kyle woke up at 6:30am which meant my time stopped. So, I went upstairs, started the bath, and went to get him. He was in a jolly good mood and as we stepped in the tub he was all smiles. He really loves to take baths and when he gets a surprise morning bath like today (as opposed to a bath before bedtime) you can just see the happiness in his face 🙂 Anyhow, he was so well behaved he did not wiggle or fight as I washed and rinsed his hair. Normally, he’ll let us soap him up but when it comes to rinsing, it’s a struggle. Not today. After letting out the water and drying him off, I got him dressed, grabbed some items he would need at the gaurdian’s, and went into my room where I got dressed. We headed into the bathroom to brush our teeth and then I realized that I had not applied any after-shave yet from shaving at 6am!

So, I take out my bottle of after-shave and start splashing some on. Kyle, being sat on the sink in front of me, reached for the bottle but managed to only touch it as I moved it away. Then, looking up at me, he started patting his head in the same manner I was patting my face. A BIG smile came over both of us and of course lead to another great hug 🙂

Needless to say, the following 15-20 minutes or so were again a blur of activity as I packed his bag, made a lunch, fed the fish, put the dog in her cage, made toast, grabbed a juice, and hurried us into the car. But, the smile remained plastered on my face 🙂

Now I sit here, tired with no coffee in my system, counting the clock until it’s time to go home… and frowning at the meetings between now and then… But at least I’ve got this really nice memory to put that smile back on my face whenever I see his picture (and there are quite a number of them on my desk and cubicle 🙂 )

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