Well Screw That!

The last two entries I wrote never made it online! Bloody hell!! And there I was having revealed my inner feelings and emotions and it’s all gone! Bah. So, I’ll just give you updates:

I had a rotten day. Melyssa suffered another asthma attack I couldn’t get under control so I had to take her to the Montreal Children’s Hospital. In fact, I just now got back. I’m exhausted.

In better news, Chantale is safely in New Zealand. She called me just before 10pm to let me know that she’s in a hotel for tonight and then off to the hostel for the next 9. There are lots of ‘young people’ out there, many of which are travelling alone. She sounded in good health and good spirits although she was somewhat jet-lagged 🙂 The funny thing was that she called me just as I had finished sending her an email filling her in on my day and telling her how just writing all about it to her made me feel better 🙂 (see, at that point I was in somewhat of a panic because my parents weren’t home yet and I couldn’t get anyone to watch James while I headed off to the Hospital).

And now, I should get some sleep. Tomorrow (later today?) could possibly be another bad one. Time will tell.

Oh. And just so you all know. I’m feeling better. thanks. I knew the early days would be the worst, but I was a little surprised with how today turned out.

Oh yeah. I’m starving. Hadn’t had anything to eat since Brunch at noon. Oh look at that. It’s been over 13 hours since I last ingested anything. No wonder I’m feeling so spacey…

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