Revelations Update

Hmm… It’s been interesting seeing the survey results trickle in. I’m surprised at some of you…

It seems however, that there are two factions that have emerged – which I guess is only natural considering the post was attempting to address two different needs. One, the need of a “collective” comics or graphical creative group, the other the need of a larger-scale (ie; books/ novels) writing group. One can co-exist with another convention (for example, in the case of Comicopia & the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon of 2007). The other needs its own space (ah, the finicky and self-centered writers… LOL!).

So where does this leave us? The APACon to celebrate Comicopia’s 100th Issue will be the end of April 2007 in Toronto, co-inciding with the PCTCC and Joe Shuster Awards weekend.

I will continue working on a planning for going AMOCK (A Meeting Of Creative Kinds) in the next couple of months and see if I can get something together for early Fall (if anything, it would have to be before November so we’re not too burned out to participate in NaNoWriMo 🙂 )

I’ll keep you up to date, but in the meantime, if you haven’t already done so, please answer the following surveys. It really would help if you filled out both of them.

Creating A Convention All about what it should be like
Creative Gathering Attendees All about you/ the attendees


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