Busy Times.

My son is 11 years old today. Wow. Happy Birthday, James! 🙂 We sure had a wonderfully cozy family weekend to celebrate it… *happy sigh*

Lots of stuff going on at work these days. End of year kind of blitzes, I guess 🙂 A good friend took me out to lunch today and we managed to catch up on a lot of goings-on. Nice. 🙂

I’ve been checking on the stats for my online stories and it’s been nice to see that the first story was read 111 times while the second one 81 times as of right now. That’s pretty cool. New story coming up on Thursday morning.

Tonight, I’m going to a basic Hands-on Sushi class where I’ll learn how to wrap my own sushi 🙂 I’m sure it’ll be fun, but best of all, I get to eat sushi for supper! 🙂

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