New Puppy

It’s crazy how things can change from one day to the next.  Almost every single day for the last month now I’ve been wanting to write, share, type, get stuff off my chest and out of my mind… but just unable to do so.  Just.  So.  BUSY.

Today is not any different, to be honest, but I’m forcing myself to take the 3 minutes I need to at least write these words here.

Casey’s been gone for a few months now and we’ve always known we were going to get another dog.  It’s just been very difficult because we were looking for a new companion but couldn’t really do so without thinking/ comparing it to our beloved pooch.  In fact, Casey’s loss and my last post here was also something that weighed heavily on my sharing stuff on the blog.  Everything else after that event just seemed… insignificant in some ways.  It was hard to go from that to a rant on traffic or thoughts on digital comics or anything, actually.

But now, to get the next chapter of our lives started, I’m very happy to announce that we did get ourselves a faithful new companion this weekend 🙂  What started as a momentary “check-in” at a not-so-local pet store on our way to picking up James for his early birthday gift (Star Wars Identities exhibition at the old port) turned into a “there she is!” moment when we laid eyes on this little pooch.

Before we knew it, papers were signed, monies exchanged, a promise to return early Sunday morning to pick her up was arranged.  This did indeed happen yesterday morning and the rest of the day was spent marveling at this little fluff ball and all the adventures that await us 🙂  Already, in just a short day, she managed to thoroughly impress us – having immediately understood the concept of asking for the door to go do her business in the back yard 🙂  So, we know there’s plenty more to come!

For now, though, my 3 minutes are up.  I’ve already posted a lot of photos on Facebook and figure I’ll send up another one here before I share it there 😉  Say hello to Cleo (short for Cleopatra) – the latest little Queen to join the family 🙂

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