Just in the best of moods this morning! Wouldn’t have thunk it considering how late I went to bed (playing Trivial Pursuit Totally 80’s Edition 🙂 ) and how early I got up (Charlize loves to surround herself with all kinds of things when she sleeps – literally, I’ll put her to bed and by the time she falls asleep, she’ll have hoarded books, dolls, balls, blankies, everything! around her. She’s like a little squirrel hoarding acorns! – anyhow, strange thing is if something falls off her bed way early in the morning (like 1am-5am) she’ll call out for me to go help her instead of getting down and picking it up herself 🙂 )
At any rate, the sun is shining, calling for 31 degrees today!, I’m still very much enjoying Heinlein’s FRIDAY (thanks Dreama for that recommendation) and my Nano’s been pushing through some really great music! 🙂
Weekend’s going to be: early rise tomorrow so Kyle and I can get our haircuts, go get Melyssa, come home to continue clearing out some stuff in the basement (out to the curb!) and prepping for running some electricity to the left-hand side of the basement. Then, after lunch, some plastering and I’m off again on the renovations 🙂 I love doing this project in an “Agile” mode 🙂 Basically, break down the work into “release-able” phases, and do the most important thing “now” while keeping in mind where I want to go/ what I want to accomplish 🙂
Seeing the progress in this way is just SO rewarding because you get to enjoy what you’ve finished while seeing the progress on what you’re working on.
Speaking of Agile… there’s a very high chance that I may end up going to Agile 2009 after all. Perhaps not for the whole week, but at the minimum 3 days. Tres cool 🙂
Have yourselves a great day and weekend!! 🙂