at least that’s what it feels like! I haven’t posted in over 2 weeks and can’t even pick up the pieces of what’s been going on! 🙂 Mother’s Day celebrations, my birthday celebrations, so much done/ to do around the house, the kids, etc etc… wow!
Last weekend, Melyssa pulled my 2004 journal down from the bookshelf and read through it in a couple of hours. If anything reminded me of why I keep wanting to record my life and theirs, it was that 🙂 It’s just that there have been a number of… changes that have prevented me from getting on here as much as I’ve wanted. I’ll probably post privately about that later on.
On top of all that, various deadlines have come and finally gone and I’m finally feeling like I have a moment to breathe!! Truly. I think it’s been months since I last had a moment where I didn’t feel a deadline pressing down on me in one form or other. There is a book I have to proof before the end of next month, but I’m looking forward to doing this (first time going through this author’s work).
As for The Mysterious Minute-Men: Ready for the Future… it’s almost here… 🙂