Sometimes I’m amazed at what gets stored and locked away in my brain. Especially when -years later- some of those dust bunnies have turned godzilla-like and I only realize it when I’m reminded by it!!
Case in point: I obviously have a google alert for The Mysterious Minute-Men in a spidery effort to glom if that book is being talked about somewhere on the web. Well, yesterday, along with the usual preview excerpt that exists over on Google Books and Library Thing, I got a link from one of my Last Word articles from 2001!!
This one was called Creating Adventures and recounted my current creations and my thought processes on how I built their stories. Within, I talk not only of The Mysterious Minute-Men but the efforts to get them published in their own comic book (of which I don’t talk about there) and the storyline it was going to entail.
Eerily enough, part of that storyline was what I had scripted to begin the Mysterious Minute-Men Web Comic which I never got off the ground due to funding. Still, those stories are scripted, the domain is mine, and one day it’ll happen… (anyone want to help? 🙂 )
The article ends with “What does the future hold? Who knows. I’m not a clairvoyant. That’s Oracle’s job. But, I will continue to create. It’s a part of who I am. And, many years from now, who knows? Perhaps the funds will be available and Savage Enterprises Publishing can finally put out some comic books created with love for the medium by people who generally care about what they present. You never know… :)” which is also pretty neat when 7 years later Savage Enterprises Publishing did just that by making The Mysterious Minute-Men Omnibus available this year. The follow-up novel The Mysterious Minute-Men: Ready for the Future will be released in 2009.
Pure gems. 🙂