I’m certain most of you have already heard/ read a post or note or article about Comikers coming to the help of Rachel Nabors who is in dire need of surgery to repair damage done to her mouth/ teeth during an accident when she was in her early teens. This is not the first time there’s been a rally amongst those in the Comics world for a cause, and it is really nice to see how so many people are coming together to help a “friend” in need. The financial cost to Rachel is huge, but every little effort -together- will have a great impact. A single whisper may be lost in the woods, but an avalanche of whispers, spoken at the same time, can create a scream audible even in space 🙂
Want to help? Click on the banner to go to Rachel’s page and read about what you can do.
Need an incentive?
Now, as I’m not an artist, I can’t really offer anything like that. (after all, I’m not going to write your homework essays or anything ;)) However, what I can offer is this: If someone purchases a copy of my novel, The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait and replies to this message, I will donate the royalties of the sale to Rachel. In this way, everyone wins. Lulu gets its payment for the shipment, I gain another reader, Rachel gets another donation, and the purchaser gets some great entertainment! 🙂 So, if you haven’t picked up a copy yet, now’s a good time to do it (and it makes a great gift 😉 )
I’ve made my donations. Now, it’s your turn! And remember, as The Beatles explained it, “In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make…”