I just got off the phone with Melyssa. Poor little girl called me from home, crying because she had a really bad headache and a fever that kept her from school 🙁 We spoke for a bit and she filled me in on her weekend and the fact that the fever’s been up and down and right now she was in a lot of pain and she’s only taking Tylenol every 6 hours. I told her not to wait for 6 hours but to take it every 4 as well as drinking a LOT of water plus at least two glasses of orange juice. On top of that, she needs a lot of rest. Within a few minutes she was no longer crying and we chit-chatted briefly (she doesn’t like having to wait until the 30th to see me again). sigh. (her not feeling well plus the big storm of Saturday morning meant that I was not able to pick them up this weekend. it’s not too bad considering I had them all last week for 8 straight days, but still…. I would have loved to have them again…)
In other news, Kyle was finally introduced to Monsters Inc. this Saturday. Let me tell you, he absolutely loved it! He was glued to those guys constantly asking to watch the movie again and again and again (although we didn’t comply. after all, he needs to learn that television is not “life” and we watch movies for entertainment – not to always have the set “on”). It was really nice to see him enjoying himself that way. In fact, it’s the first movie he’s loving so much! The only other show he’s ever asked for on a regular basis (and which we are STILL watching) is Frosty the Snowman! 🙂 In this regard, it’s been somewhat of a quiet weekend which was nice. Especially as Kyle’s 18th-month vaccination shots done on Thursday were starting to affect him. He was showing signs of a cold yesterday and looked miserable. A very long afternoon nap helped him. But, he went to bed a little late because of it and thus we left the house later than expected this morning 🙂
Add to that the fact that Chantale and I slept really badly last night and you’ve got a very tired SavageKnight (I’m fighting off a headache myself right now…) I won’t be catching up on my sleep in the next couple of days either as I accepted another contract yesterday which needs a delivery by Wednesday night. I’m not complaining – I need the money to pay off bills and it is helping…
Again, I had more to say but can’t think what that was right now…