Due to a bit of miscommunication this morning, James’ operation -scheduled for 7:30am- had to be moved to 10:30am. No big deal, but it does get tiring waiting. It took me over 2 hours to get there due to the weather but I made it in time to see him for an hour before they wheeled him in. The 30 minute procedure actually ended up being over 3 hours in total (an hour to prep, 2 hours for the operation). Due to the weather, I left at noon when they were “about” to begin. It took me 2 hours to get home so I called as soon as I got in and he had just got out. Everything seemed to have gone well and he is being released soon. Poor kid was so tired that even though he chose to get the Local instead of the General, he fell asleep on the table 🙂
I spent close to 5 hours on the road, driving. My back and legs are killing me. Chantale left work at 3pm and she’s still not home. Worse, she couldn’t find the cell phone so I have no way of contacting her…
I’m currently surfing from our new computer… in the bedroom. Set up a wireless router this afternoon. Much time saving 🙂 Plus, with all the dust getting on in the basement, it’ll keep the computer safe, too.
By the by, my uncle passed away on Saturday morning. Still waiting on details. We went to visit my mom that evening. I know it helped my parents to see Kyle. The magic of a toddler 🙂
Okay, enough for now. Have stuff to do…