I found a fortune cookie on my keyboard at work this morning and only now just cracked it open (I was feeling a little nibbly 😉 )
It states: “You will travel far and wide for both pleasure and business”
That sounds like good news! At least as long as these travels are ones decided on by me (as opposed to being dictated to me 😉 ). Now, so far, the only trip I have planned is for late August for the Agile Alliance 2009 seminar being held in Chicago. That would be one week of business after which I planned to stay an extra week and visit with my many aunts, uncles, and cousins whom I haven’t seen in many many years.
As for the “wide” part… well, we were just in BANFF but have thought about taking another jaunt down to BC this year… just nothing formalized yet. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see 🙂
(of course, wouldn’t it be great if “far and wide” really meant going upwards into Outer Space? 🙂 )