A Nice Family Day!

After getting up at 6am all week, Charlize today decided to get up at 645am! So, by 7am, she was already toddling around downstairs after having drank her milk. Casey was having breakfast and Kyle was also toddling around asking for his own breakfast. He decided that today would be Pancake day and so I got about making some pancakes. He also decided that EVERYONE should have pancake and went to wake up James and Melyssa and dragged them over 🙂

Chantale, of course, was still locked away for her simulations and thus it was the four kids and I who had a family breakfast consisting of pancakes, oranges, and yogurt (and some cereal). I don’t believe we’ve ever all had breakfast together so that was something of a shock 🙂 Afterwards, the morning consisted of chores, showers, and mainly laundry. I had initially wanted to go out for some errands but decided against it face-to-face with the housework. No problem.

Pretty soon it was lunchtime and we once again all got together for a nice lunch of Mac n Cheese, Quiche Lorraine, and bagels. With that over, we piled into the car and headed off to pick up some photos I had ordered last week. We headed to the Future Shop in Vaudreuil but the youngest kids passed out so I decided after that stop to keep going and headed back home to pick up James’ Chapters gift card. Surprise! Chantale had gotten home about 30 minutes earlier! 🙂

I knew she needed to crash and told her to do so and after getting milk for Charlize and the gift card, we drove off to the Future Shop in Pte.Claire for the other photos and had a quick Chapters run. Wouldn’t you know it, after James found his book (Pendragon book 9), Kyle found one he couldn’t part with (Step 1 reading program with CARS) and Melyssa found one she wanted as well (Diary of a Wimpy Kid book 2). Kind of nice to have kids who love books so much 🙂 I couldn’t believe the line-up to pay, though! Wow!

From there, we headed to Loblaws for a quick food stop and then came home to finish folding and putting away the laundry! Chantale is passed out on the couch and hasn’t stirred even with all the activity we’ve been doing 🙂 I’ve got a lasagna in the oven and the house is feeling very warm and inviting 🙂 Candles are burning, bread will be warmed, wine will be served (to us – not the kids! 🙂 ) and we’ll have a really nice family supper, too! 🙂

Seriously – lack of sleep notwithstanding, it’s been a great day! 🙂

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