wow. Friday already. huh. Where did the week go?
No big plans for the weekend. I’m getting the sections printed up for Comicopia today which should hopefully be ready by this afternoon. This would allow me to get the sucker collated, bound, addressed, and mailed off tomorrow. It’ll be sporting an out-of-this-world front cover by Gabriel Morrissette and a very Adams-ish back cover by Alan Porter. I should be making the images available online in the next two weeks or so (I like the members to get to see them first – and hey, if you’d like to be a member, we’d love to have you! 🙂 )
Outside of that we’ve got winter tires to pick up for Chantale’s car, maybe a couple of pumpkins, and then I may try to make a bit more progress on the basement hallway.
In work news, I finally got another of my employees promoted and am looking forward to him coming in so we can present him with the news 🙂 Isn’t that really great news to get on a Friday? 🙂
In comics news… I feel so out of the loop that I’m enjoying my sabbatical in the archives. I’ll write about it one day but not today.
What are you up to this weekend?