Geeky Gushing

I have not had the energy (or truly been in the mood) to talk, chat, post, or share anything for the longest time now. Even this post -of which I was very excited about- was supposed to go up on Saturday. I just… I guess I’m just feeling burnt. Overloaded. Overwhelmed. I need to recharge. I’ll be out of town next week so that *might* help, but we’ll have to see. I’ll be attending the Agile Alliance 2008 conference in Toronto. The Sheraton has a really great-looking fitness area that I’m planning on making good use of.

Anyhow, onto the story.

Last Saturday was a rather gray day. Overcast skies made the house rather dark and sombre, yet pleasantly relaxing. I think it helped that it was the first weekend in a LONG time (either past or to come) that we had NOTHING to do. It was the kind of Saturday that actually felt like a Sunday. So, after the kids’ naptime, Kyle had wanted to watch a movie. I informed him that there would be no “movie” and that instead he would learn about The Starship Enterprise! 🙂

See, the ST:TNG collected edition arrived and I had been itching to put it on. Kyle was curious but excited as we all settled down on the couch and started up the 1st DVD.

He *LOVED* it!

He sat there totally captivated by what was on the screen, asking question after question about the “star ship” and “cap tin pee card” and just OH! ing every time the ship warped 🙂 It was (really) such a nice moment and Chantale and I just loved the feeling of “passing on” our love of TNG to our son 🙂

As for Charlize, as she was toddling around playing in the living room, the minute the theme song began, she stopped, turned to the television, and started to dance! LOL!! 🙂

Needless to say, once the pilot was over, his first question was “Again Starship?” 🙂 The other really cute (if strange) thing was that every time he asked questions about the captain, he would phrase it as “your dad?” He obviously knows that his “Nono” is my Father, but it seems that Captain Picard is my “dad”… LOL! I think he slowly made the connection this week that I am his Daddy, Father, and Dad and it all means the same 🙂

Since Saturday, he has woken up every morning asking if we could all watch “Starship” together 🙂 It was just so much fun 🙂 I managed to catch only a couple of shots, though:

Kyle – very much “Engaged” in Star Trek The Next Generation

Charlize – like her mother, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of Captain Picard 😉

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