could I be? …
back to reality? Nah. Reality is no fun at all. In fact, to re-quote a favorite old slogan, “Reality is for people with NO Imagination” 🙂
Hey Folks! Offline for over a week and it feels strange to be putting my toe in the water again! 🙂 Seems like so many folks have had really crappy 2007s that it makes looking back on mine somewhat warped.
Yes, 2007 was challenging as all heck, but I can’t look at that. Not because I actually “can’t” but more because my brain is wired to forget it, move beyond it, and look at the positives. I won’t go into a month-by-month breakdown because I don’t have the time. But I will point out some very obvious ones:
New Baby Girl, Charlize Makenzie Aragona-Turgeon joins the household in June! Yes, it’s true that she was born with a heart defect that required Open Heart Surgery, but so what? She was re-born or survived that surgery if you will! On the day of my 4th Wedding Anniversary no less! What a gift! What a blessing! 🙂 As far as I’m concerned, my little girl with two names has two birthdays 🙂 (Note to baby girl reading this many years in the future: this does not mean you get twice the amount of birthday gifts! 🙂 )
New Novel, The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait released on Halloween! Selling well and (so far as I know) being enjoyed by all who’ve purchased a copy!
I know there were other items of great importance/ significance/ or value, but these two, for me, stood out right now 🙂
So, as much as 2007 (which I coined Two Thousand and Heaven) was not as Heavenly as expected, at least Heaven didn’t take my baby girl! But, for 2008 (coined Two Thousand and Great) I imagine beautiful, wonderful, and amazing days to come! 🙂
Now, I do have a few more personal items that I wanted to talk about (like the fact that Charlize has started to eat solids recently and that Kyle is still an amazing kid – within 2 days of being up North, he was speaking French like a pro! and that Xmas with a household of kids was beautiful and that Kyle and Charlize both loved having James and Melyssa over for such a long time, etc, etc) but don’t have the time now. I will, soon. I want to 🙂
Time for perhaps one more coffee before I head home. I’m quite fatigued at the moment but it’s been a really good day!