Post-Op Day 10/ 11 & Strange Coincidences

Seeing as I didn’t get home last night, I figured I’d post both updates now 🙂 Luckily, as it seems we’re coming into the home stretch, these will be quite short!

Post-Op Day 10 Round-Up: Basically, Charlize’s medications were modified. She is now taking Lasix once a day instead of twice, and taking Morphine and Valium every 6 hours instead of 4. Outside of that, she’s feeding well!

Post-Op Day 11 Round-Up: For today, a few more changes. First, the Holter was hooked up on her to record her EKGs for 24 hours. Then, her Morphine and Valium were dropped to .35 ml from .5 ml. The current plan is to remove her Pacer wires tomorrow afternoon (plus decrease her meds to twice a day only) and have an Xray and an Echo on Wednesday (stopping all meds in the morning). Chances are quite good that we’ll be home Wednesday night. Here’s hoping!

She basically spent the day sleeping and eating today. It was very relaxing in that way. What made it a little stressful for me was the amount of noise/ volume going on all around us! Today, I must admit to having gotten very close to my “it’s time to get out of here” feelings. You know how it is. The longer you stay in recovery, the less the doctors and the nurses do or need to do for you. Which means, you spend a lot of time daydreaming about being in your own home…

She’s doing really well and even gained weight. She still absolutely adores when I sing to her and her favorite song (always makes her smile) is Strawberry Fields. Go figure 🙂

On another strangely related note… I’ve been wanting to post for a few days now that I finally found out/ remembered that my cousin is back playing for the Toronto Blue Jays. That’s right, Sal Fasano is back on their roster. Now, what makes this a little bizarre (and for which I can now finally talk about since it’s in the news) is that his wife is pregnant with their third son. A few weeks ago, it was discovered that the baby is going to have to undergo heart surgery shortly upon birth! How freaky is that? I found this post over on Fanhouse talking about it: “Family First for Sal Fasano”

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