Birthday Post

Today is not my sweetheart’s birthday. Unfortunately, it is “somewhat” the day that we celebrate it simply because one of the curses of being born on February 29th means that you only get your REAL birth DAY every 4 years. Needless to say, we ensure the month is used to her benefit 🙂 We’ve actually stayed up until midnight on the 28th every year just to hear the “beep” tone on 940am at the stroke of midnight as she’s often considered that being her birth moment (almost like how an angel gets their wings whenever a bell rings 🙂 ) Her being a leap-year baby is only another item in the long list of items that make up why she is so special to me.

From the first time we met and became friends in 1998, from her heart-warming smile and infectious laughter, to her becoming my best friend in 1999 and eventually my girlfriend mid through that year, she has always brought a wonderful glow to my life. It should NOT be mind-blowing or earth-shattering to think that we’ve been a couple longer than my first marriage lasted, but it is incredible that the more time we spend together, the more time we WANT to spend together!

I do not in any way shape or form see or can imagine my life without her. Add to that the fact that the child we’ve brought into this world and the one(s) still to come only bring us closer together as we add to the Love already in our Home, and you can very well imagine how wonderful a live we have together.

Chantale, amore, I love you so very, very much. I know life’s been very hectic lately what with everything going on, but that in no way negates how special I feel you are and how much you deserve to be pampered and waited-on 🙂 I hope you have a very Happy Birthday. And look! To celebrate, even the sun is shining very brightly today! 🙂

See you soon 🙂


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