Sesame Road

In the continuing exposure of all things Beatles to my son, I decided to bring in “Sesame Road” which really is what it sounds like 🙂 The cover shows Elmo, Oscar, Cookie Monster, and Big Bird walking that same street we see on the cover of Abbey Road. Obviously, the lyrics are NOT the same as the Beatles tunes, but I know that getting used to the familiar music will make hearing the Beatles sound natural 🙂

for me, it does sometimes get a little bizarre to start humming “Let it Be” and end up with “Letter B” 🙂 But, I digress.

One song which came on today (understand that we listen to the CD for the full 10-15 minutes it takes me to drive him to his guardian in the mornings, thus only about 2 songs or so (depending on if Kyle will let me listen to the weather report 🙂 )) was “Hey Food” sung to “Hey Jude”. Sounds hysterical, right? Yes, you can imagine that it IS quite funny having Cookie Monster singing:

“Yum – yum – yum – yumyumyuuuumm – yum yum yuuum…. Heeeey Fooood…”

but I also must admit that what bothered me a little was the point of the song which was that when he’s feeling down he’ll eat some delicious food that will make him feel “Better Better BETTER YEAH!”

(okay, i just giggled at my typing that 🙂 ) But seriously. Isn’t that the wrong idea to teach kids? I see some “deprogramming” in my future…

(edited to include actual album cover in userpic 🙂 )

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