What’s it gonna be?

So this morning, Chantale and I went for her second appointment. Basically, her doctor was available if we had questions or had concerns, but outside of that, the visit was more to check Chantale’s weight and blood pressure and listen to the baby’s heartbeat.

And an interesting thing happened while we were listening to that fast little thumpa-thumpa… the doctor made a comment that had both my and Chantale’s eyebrows raised… there was definitely an “indication” or hesitation that made it seem like the baby is a…. …. boy! Of course, we won’t truly know until the Ultrasound in february, but it’s been a bizarre week. A lot of folks who were initially saying/ guessing the baby was a girl, have started changing their minds! (*cough* myself included *cough*)

So, once again, we’ve started wondering. Of course, we already know it’s not an Owl… (points to anyone who gets the MAY reference 😉 ) …

My parting comment as we were leaving the office was, “well, if it turns out to be a boy, then we get to go again to try for a girl!” which almost caused Chantale to pee right there and then (yes, that was the kind of shocked look she gave me! LOL!)

2 weeks to go… place your bets…

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