
I heard on the news this morning that a police raid happened yesterday in east-end montreal. 18 street gang members were arrested. it turns out that St. Michel – where this happened and where I spent 30 years of my life and where my folks still live – is now “home base” for the Crips. Montreal-North – where I spent 4 years of my life and hung out during high school – is “home base” for the Bloods.

What I’d like to know is… when the fuck did this happen? And, more importantly, when the hell did the Italians give up control of that area? … shit.

actually, i do know the answer, but it’s not worth posting…

sometimes i wish God would get all “Noah’s Ark” or “Soddom & Gommorah” on our asses and wipe the whole lot of us out so we can start all over again…

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