I’ve been silent, it seems. Thus, a quick update.
Friday – icky rain/ ice storm. Lost power as soon as we walked into the house at 5pm! Didn’t get it back until 7am on Saturday. All night long the wind howled, the ice rain pelted, and things flew around the streets. On top of it all, the sky was a bright cyan blue, flickering and thundering. Bizarre. Felt like we were standing underneath a UFO and its anti-grav mechanism was bathing us in its eerie glow. On the upside, it was nice to snuggle on the couch with my wife and listen to the radio for news updates 🙂
Saturday – my dad turned 71!! How wonderful is that? 🙂 We all drove over to have lunch together and it was really nice to have the entire family together – although, yes, as always, there are sibling squabbles to deal with 🙂 Still, we were 13 in all and it felt a little crowded at times 🙂
Saturday, I also signed the contract to get my driveway paved. 4 years later it’ll be nice to not have to deal with the gravel single driveway any more. Come June, we’ll have a paved double driveway 🙂 Plus, it gives me the time required to squirrel the money away to pay for it.
Sunday – Kid’s XMas party. Melyssa couldn’t come as she had a Gymnastic test to see if she would advance to the next level. Thus, it was just “us boys” and my wife 🙂 Had a nice time although I left it feeling like there was definitely something missing. Kyle had fun which is the most important thing. I laughed at how he was scrutinizing Santa 🙂 He didn’t smile throughout all the pictures we took, but when we were done, THAT’S when he finally smiled. Sheesh 🙂
Sunday, I also finally had enough and bought a second car seat. Winter is not the time to play musical cars any longer. Now, there’s one in each car and thus exchanges and pick-ups are a lot easier to plan! 🙂
Still a lot of things left to do around the house (the building of the room downstairs was completely halted this weekend – no time) but next weekend should also be really nice. It’ll almost be fully Xmas oriented as we’ll be putting up the tree and final decorations, then I’ve got a special movie picked out for the Saturday night Family Movie 🙂 On Sunday, yet another Kid’s Xmas Party 🙂
You know, although I’ll be spending a lot of my Xmas vacation time working on that room, I’m so pysched to actually get time to be at home 🙂 It’s all a countdown now 🙂 14 more work-days to time off! 🙂
And, in case you’re still reading, the news on the James front is… still waiting. His surgery has been post-poned once more. This time, new tentative date is December 18th. sigh.
Okay, my wrist is killing me again. I’m stopping now.