A Few Things.

Firstly, just because: I’m wearing a pair of pants I haven’t seen in about a year. How cool is that? I feel like I’ve suddenly found a new wardrobe 🙂

Second, James just called me from school! He’s on lunch and after finishing his meal, decided to call me from one of the phones in the school. How touching is that? He gave me an update on his health – yesterday afternoon he headed out with his mother to get more blood tests and that scan of his leg and now we wait for the results. He also wanted to chat with me a bit letting me know that he finished another Bobby Pendragon book and was going to be checking out the latest Artemis Fowl book from the library 🙂 It’s really great to see him so excited about reading AND the library! 🙂

But, honestly, just the fact that he called me at work has put a huge smile on my very tired face 🙂 (Kyle woke up crying at 5am this morning and after I rocked him back to sleep, I decided to stay up as I was positive it would have been worse for me to attempt to catch another 30 minutes of sleep). I’ve been looking forward to my kids being old enough to contact me whenever and however they wanted for YEARS now. To actually have it happen like it did today… very precious for me… 🙂

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