Good Day

You know… when you start your morning off with an email requesting your participation in a new writing project, that’s a great way to kick off a day. But then, when you head over to the second day of a training class that you’re taking part in and by lunchtime you’ve struck a deal with the teacher to edit 2 of his books, it really brings it to another level.

Of course, when, by the end of the class, you’ve extended the deal to include possibly writing an english-version translation of a third book in order to give him time to complete his 4th book, then you’re floating on air.

You can imagine that I did not need public transport to get home last night. The clouds were more than good enough 🙂 When I got home, I emailed him and within an hour I had received my first few chapters to work on. I love being in the right place at the right time. He needed an english editor, I had an opening in my schedule, a deal was quickly worked out, and then I got a writing gig on top of it. Now THAT’S a productive day 🙂

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the name of the course. “Effective Negotiation Skills” 🙂 I thought that would make you all laugh 🙂

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