It seems the best way to bypass this cookie issue is to update your journal/ log-in. So, that’s what I’m doing even though I don’t have much to say. 4 items of note for today:
Kyle gets his 6-month vaccination shots tonight. I hope he doesn’t get any adverse reactions to them… I have a late meeting tomorrow which means I can’t get home early as I normally would and help out…
My hotel reservations are made for April 28/30th for the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon (and Shuster Awards!) We’ll be staying at the Toronto Travelodge Dowtown West.
I picked up the latest QuickTax today so I guess we can begin getting our tax returns ready. Time to pay the reaper…
I picked up the Golden Age Flash Archives #2 today… the first DC Archive book I’ve bought in close to 5 years…
That’s it for now.