Time for a Meme!

With so many of my friends doing it, how could I resist? 🙂

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet ai731? At a NanoWriMo meet-up in 2004
2.~What would you do if you had never met sandman7? Never believed he was as nice a guy as gmarc and baronscartop said
3.~What do you honestly think of gmarc? I like the bugger. Just too bad we can’t make more time to hang.
4.~Would or did strangeanimal and baronscartop go out? Not in this lifetime.
5.~Have you ever liked muadib_ca? Love the guy like a brother.
6.~If cat68 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? I still get chuckles from Picasso memories
7.~Would luvenditti and karine make a good couple? heh. Two artistic, strong-willed women? Couldn’t really say, but there would be sparks!
8.~Describe ladyofthe_lake in 3 words: My Ultimate Woman
9.~Do you think gothamajp is hot? My understanding is that Texas is usually quite the opposite of cold, so I would have to say yes…
10.~Would cat68 and adamofeden make a lovely couple? Hmmm… well they’re definitely cuddly, but I would have to say no.
11.~What do you think of when you see baronscartop? Gimme a hug! 🙂
12.~Tell me something humiliating about karine: Duh. Yeah, right. Screw you, you stupid quiz!
13.~Do you know any of goulz‘s family members? Nope.
14.~What’s ashforestwalker‘s favorite color? Green?
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is stuartimmonen? Heh. Last time I saw him, I would have to say 9 🙂
16.~What would you do if toughlovemuse just professed their undying love for you? Tell her to step away from the keyboard, get some fresh air, and stop playing with my mind!
17.~What language does strangeanimal speak? Guttural. Geek. and Gowan. 🙂
18.~Who is callmepavlov going out with? Haven’t seen her in a while – at that time, no one. Now… probably someone, which would explain why I haven’t seen her in a while!
19.~Is warren_ellis a boy or a girl? Quite the man!
20.~Would frosa1968 and toughlovemuse make a good couple? Heh. She would definitely take a whip to him 🙂 But, again, I would have to say no.
21.~Who do you think ashforestwalker would be great with from this list? Owldaughter! Can’t mess with what works! 🙂
22.~When was the last time you talked to gothamajp? Via email, 2 days ago. In person… years! Dammit man, we gotta do something about that!
23.~What is muadib_ca‘s favorite band? LOL! Some silly french band I can’t remember. But he loves listening to The Rock soundtrack!
24.~Does luvenditti have any siblings? Indeed she does!
25.~Would you ever date goulz? Nope. Asked him out to a movie once, said yes, and then turned me down within the hour. Bastard!
26.~Would you ever date ladyofthe_lake? Date her, Love her, Marry her, Stay with her for life!
27.~Is ashforestwalker single? Nope!
28.~What is ashforestwalker‘s last name? Highness! 🙂 Nah, Hiscock!
29.~What is frosa1968‘s middle name? Manuel, of course.
30~What is gmarc‘s fantasy? To be trapped in a room with all the women on his LJ list and no-holds-barred!
31.~Where does warren_ellis live? In a pub 🙂
32.~Would you make out with ai731? No. We’re both spoken for 🙂
33.~Are sandman7 and goulz best friends? Not even close.
34.~Does ladyofthe_lake like ashforestwalker? Yes she does!
35.~How did you meet frosa1968? I accosted him at a Comic shop about 15 years ago now 🙂
36.~Is gothamajp older than you? Yes he is.
37.~Is adamofeden the sexiest person alive? Not to me (I’ll never admit it!), but definitely to his wife! 🙂

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