Firstly, bienvenue
Today was the first day of our new schedule at home. I was up at a little after 5:30am to get ready for work with Chantale getting up after me. When I was almost finished, I went to slowly wake up Kyle (at 6am!). I cuddled him, soothed him, changed him, and we went downstairs for breakfast. He was in a good mood and ate well while I also prepared my lunch, fed the dog, and had breakfast myself! Before we knew it, the time was 6:40am and we had to get into gear. Chantale left (with the sudden heart-wrenching realization that she would be away from Kyle for the entire day!) and I got him dressed and bundled him into the car. A quick drive to the guardian (i really don’t think of her as a “daycare” since she really is doing more than that). As always, Kyle enjoyed the drive and was fine when we went in but continued to nestle into my shoulders. Yup, he was still tired. He did go to her but had a little cry when we went downstairs. Again, I soothed him and we played with some of the toys as I waited for her husband (also my buddy and co-worker) to get ready. We said good-bye and headed off to work.
Yeah, I’m feeling a little tired but that was more from staying up around 2 hours more than we should have last night. I think the getting to bed “earlier” part will be one of the bigger challenges 🙂 But, it couldn’t be helped as we drove off to the Pratt & Whitney plant last night to ensure Chantale had no problems getting there.
She was thrilled. Seriously. The plant is right next to the St. Hubert airport and right next door to the Canadian Space Agency! 🙂 For those of you who don’t know, Chantale is very much a space/ flight gal. She wanted to be an astronaut and had her project chosen in high school to be tested up in space! She was somewhat of a minor celebrity because of that (being in the papers and on interviews). Anyhow, she was really excited.
I’m happy to report that her excitement continued this morning, too! She called me at around 9am after her brief orientation at Plant #1 as she was driving off to Plant #5 (where she’ll be working). She was so glad to be back at P&W that she felt like she’d never left (even though it’s already been something like 6 years!) In other words, a great first day 🙂
Add that to how well James and Melyssa were yesterday, and how well most of my projects and meetings have been going and it makes for quite a nice week 🙂
Oh! That reminds me! As I stated earlier, I won’t be able to join the 3-Day Novel Challenge this year due to family responsibility. However, I will be heading up to Nepean for a show at the Sportsplex during that weekend. Von/Moggy, I will have the entire family in tow but I’m sure I can still find a moment to perhaps get together for a coffee with you? What sayest thou?
And in another piece of news I wanted to pass along, a good friend of the family is putting on an amazing production in late September. Faustini-Campoli Productions will be presenting: Anima, The Evolution of the Soul at the Leonardo da Vinici Center (in St. Leonard) for 5 shows (Sept 21 through 24). Head on over to for more details. Tickets are very reasonable for a show filled with: Grand Illusions and Magic, Silks, Dance, High Wire Hoop, Music, and more featuring Professional performances and artists hailing from the Monument National, Cirque Eloise, l’Ecole National du Cirque, Les Grandes Ballets Canadiens, Cirque du Soleil. I’m aiming to be there on the 24th, myself. They’ve been working really hard on this for a long time and I’m certain they will not disappoint! 🙂
Okay, I’ve gotta dash now. Will be back this afternoon with more ramblings on Comicopia and Artists 😉