As the afternoon dragged on, I started finding myself going a little stir crazy! At the same time, I didn’t want to go anywhere. Just that feeling of “stuff needing to be done”. For example, grocery shopping! Not that I really need much. After all, my fridge is loaded. I’m just missing a few essentials 🙂
Speaking of food, I was chewed out by my mother-in-law tonight! She called claiming that I hadn’t been eating or sleeping and to snap out of it! See, they finally located my livejournal. And thus caught up on a few entries. And I’ve been warned that I’ll be in trouble for anything stupid I do here (which means admitting things like not eating or sleeping. Guess I’ll just stop posting about it… (giggle)). 😉
Of course, next thing you know, I’ll start getting chewed out for calling them my in-laws! (LOL!)
Ok, enough fooling around. Gotta give the kids their bath and then we’re gonna watch the little extras on the Monsters Inc DVD before putting them to bed. I haven’t decided what I’ll be doing after that. It’s a toss-up between settling in for some Austin Powers fun, watching CSI (which I’m taping), or just relaxing with a book and continue listening to the 80’s channel on Galaxy (which has been really good for the last hour already! 🙂 ). A Reboot marathon is on YTV right now but I’m waiting for the DVDs 🙂
More later! (where I’ll probably end up admitting to having continued with the cleaning/ clearing out of the office) 🙂