Word Documents, WordPerfect Documents, Text files, Binders, Notebooks, Post-its, Napkins… I’ve got pieces of stories, ideas, chapters, etc, scattered all around the house, my desk, my folders. Sometimes it’s funny, other times frustrating. The point is, it should all be in one place.
So, my question to y’all is: how and where do you store your stores/ ideas/ etc? I’ve gotten to the point of carrying all my completed or mostly-completed stories, scripts, plays, etc, on my USB stick while keeping a synch version on my desktop. But, for the works-in-progress… buckshot scatter 🙂
I’ve thought of keeping myself a wiki with the various pieces, but I have to think about this a bit more. Right now, I am using a wiki to track the various stories I’ve got in circulation (submitted, accepted, printed, etc) as well as some on-going work/ projects. It’s definitely a different method of tracking info…