Different topic 🙂
While searching today, I came across a blog called All About Parenting. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that I had been posted about on July 11th! From the Blog Post: “Mike Aragona loves being a Father! This site is dedicated to his family. Tons of photos of his kids and an On-Line Parenting Journal make time spent here very entertaining!”
Very nice 🙂
By the way, Chantale just told me that James mentioned today that his body was undergoing… changes 🙂 I giggled at this as I was mentioning to him at the beginning of this week how his voice has cracked a few times (while I was congratulating him on getting his first zit (while he was denying it stating it was a mosquito bite)) 🙂
Yes, I’m a very Proud Papa 🙂 By this weekend, I should have some of Kyle’s 1st Birthday pics on-line. I’ll let you know when 🙂
Edit: Actually forgot to point out that the Parenting page in question is at http://www.aragona.info!